Actor Website Builder

Actor Website Builder

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Marcia Bender
Marcia Bender
Actor from California
About Marcia

From the age of five, when she spontaneously jumped onstage to entertain at a Scottish Ladies Luncheon by repeatedly reciting The Pledge of Allegiance, Marcia has wanted to Act. Despite taking the circuitous route of first becoming a Registered Nurse and union negotiator, she stayed active in theatre, comedy and film.  Marcia has expert level "hilarious best friend" skills.  A skillset that includes but is not limited to: sassy one-liners, irreverent comebacks, cheeky nudges and feisty empathetic listening.  With her nursing days now behind her, she invites anyone casting a Sci-fi/Fantasy film or show to put her in a make-up chair for eight hours.  She really wants to be your alien.  Marcia is spicy.

From: California
Weight: 105lbs
Height: 5'1"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Contact Information:  
E:   |  W:
Marcia Bender

Marcia Bender

Actor from California

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